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Joint DECLARATION of 11 associations to Mr. Jean-Claude Junker, President of European Commission

Jean-Claude Juncker
European Commission

ANTRAM (Portugal), ASTIC (Spain), AEBTRI (Bulgaria),
CESMAD BOHEMIA (Czech Republic), CESMAD Slovakia (Slovakia),
ERAA (Estonia), LATVIJAS AUTO (Latvia), LINAVA (Lithuania),
MKFE (Hungary), UNTRR (Romania) and ZMPD (Poland)

The European associations of international road transport carriers are forced to come back to you with the issue of protectionist measures introduced recently by some EU Member States. These measures, in our common position, aim to protect the local markets from operators from other EU Member States by introducing extra haulage costs. To be clear, this is in sharp contrast with the principle of the single market as well as free movement of goods and services set out in the EU Treaties.

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