Category Archives: News

The common protest in front of European Commission – asking for action against neoprotectionist measures of member states like France and Germany!

We have European Commission or German Commission? or French Commission?

Are the rules made in EU from Brussels or from Berlin? or from Paris?

Date 14 June 2016
Time 11:00-13.30
Location: Brussels, Schuman Round About

Continue reading The common protest in front of European Commission – asking for action against neoprotectionist measures of member states like France and Germany!

Joint letter of like-minded Member States against fragmentation of transport market in the EU

Dear Commissioner,

We, the transport ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, Hungary, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia feel obliged to address you with our concerns regarding the developments in the transport sector at both the EU and national level, where we are witnessing tendencies which might very soon result in a substantial fragmentation of the internal market and divergence from Single European Transport Area.

Continue reading Joint letter of like-minded Member States against fragmentation of transport market in the EU

Proteste transportatori

31 May 2016: Coordinated Protest against loi MACRON and the protectionism in road transport – actions organised simultaneously by road transport associations in several European capitals

AEBTRI Bulgaria actions in Sofia

AEBTRI explained the serious problems faced by road hauliers in France due to loi Macron to the French Embassy and European Commission Representation in Bulgaria and delivered the Joint RESOLUTION against loi MACRON and protectionist measures in road transport addressed to Mr. Jean–Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission and to Mr. François Hollande – President of France by ANTRAM (Portugal), ASTIC (Spain), AEBTRI (Bulgaria), CESMAD BOHEMIA (Czech Republic), CESMAD Slovakia (Slovakia), ERAA (Estonia), LATVIJAS AUTO (Latvia), LINAVA (Lithuania), MKFE (Hungary) UNTRR (Romania) and ZMPD (Poland).

Continue reading 31 May 2016: Coordinated Protest against loi MACRON and the protectionism in road transport – actions organised simultaneously by road transport associations in several European capitals

Joint RESOLUTION addressed to Mr. François Hollande – President of France

Joint RESOLUTION addressed to Mr. François Hollande – President of France by ANTRAM (Portugal), ASTIC (Spain), AEBTRI (Bulgaria), CESMAD BOHEMIA (Czech Republic), CESMAD Slovakia (Slovakia), ERAA (Estonia), LATVIJAS AUTO (Latvia), LINAVA (Lithuania), MKFE (Hungary) UNTRR (Romania) and ZMPD (Poland).

Click here to download PDF.

Joint RESOLUTION addressed to Mr. Jean – Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

Joint RESOLUTION addressed to Mr. Jean – Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission by ANTRAM (Portugal), ASTIC (Spain), AEBTRI (Bulgaria), CESMAD BOHEMIA (Czech Republic), CESMAD Slovakia (Slovakia), ERAA (Estonia),LATVIJAS AUTO (Latvia), LINAVA (Lithuania), MKFE (Hungary) UNTRR (Romania) and ZMPD (Poland).

Click here to download PDF.

ZMPD letter to Mr. Jean – Claude Junker, President of the European Commission regarding new French law on the minimum wage in transport – MACRON

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your attention to the seriousness of new law implemented and applicable as of 1st July 2016 in France on the minimum wage in transport.

According to this new legislation, any foreign driver who transports goods to/from France and performs cabotage operations there has a duty to operate as a posted worker. This means that as of 1st July 2016 the minimum wage of 9,61 EUR is to be paid or, if applicable, remunerations coming from collective agreements in the transport sector. The new French decree foresees also that the operator has to prepare for every hired driver the certificate of posting and designate a representative in France. What is more, there is a requirement that all documentation concerning performed transports in France has to be prepared by the operator in French and kept by his representative and drivers for possible controls. Continue reading ZMPD letter to Mr. Jean – Claude Junker, President of the European Commission regarding new French law on the minimum wage in transport – MACRON

ZMPD letter to Mr. Jean – Claude Junker, President of European Commission regarding MiLoG Law in Germany

The Association of International Road Transport Carriers in Poland (ZMPD) for several months now relates with great concern to activities of some Member States which an effect is to deny, for the sake of their own interests, basics pillars of the European Union – the free movement of goods and services.

In the opinion of many transport operators from different countries the introduction by Germany on 1st of January 2015 the minimum wage in transport which is applicable also to foreign companies performing transports to/from/within German territory is an evident violation of fundamental rules of the common European market, not mentioning the attempt of the German administration to influence the employer-employee relationship in other countries what we consider to be inappropriate, not to say – unacceptable.

Continue reading ZMPD letter to Mr. Jean – Claude Junker, President of European Commission regarding MiLoG Law in Germany

The answer of Ms. Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport, regarding As MAP Ukraine’ letter about MiLoG 18 May 2015

Dear Mr Kostyuchenko,

Thank you for your letter of 8 April, in which you expressed concerns on the impacts of the application of the German legislation on minimum wages to the transport sector and in particular to non-EU countries like Ukraine.

Continue reading The answer of Ms. Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport, regarding As MAP Ukraine’ letter about MiLoG 18 May 2015